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Factory lighting renewal, case Ahlstrom-Munksjö: ”Top-notch work from Greenled”
Beginning of the year has literally been full of light at Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre factory in Mikkeli, in the Eastern part of Finland. The factory has just finished a successful lighting renewal project, replacing the old lamps with modern, state of the art, smart LED luminaires. All this was accomplished on a tight schedule and without any disturbance to the factory’s core operations.
The Mikkeli factory of Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre is one of the leading operators in its’ own field, producing glass fibre products to industrial needs. The factory was originally built in 1982 and has gone through many expansions during the years. As a result, the factory’s lighting was outdated consisting mainly of old fluorescent lamps from many different decades.
The chosen partner for the factory’s turnkey lighting renewal was Greenled Oy. New energy-efficient Omega-range LED luminaires and a smart Dali control system were installed during the successful project. The benefits are remarkable – as a result, fewer luminaires produce more light and reduce lighting maintenance costs.
”There are a lot of lighting suppliers. The turnkey service was a major benefit for us and the main reason to choose Greenled Oy – the company plans the lighting renewal project, manufactures the luminaires and installs them in a really professional way. This whole turnkey service was an important and critical reason when planning the project and comparing the possibilities. “
Matti Valkonen, Factory Manager, Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre Oy Mikkeli factory
A turnkey lighting project kept production running uninterrupted
Plenty of time and money is usually invested in a factory lighting renewal project. Turnkey service, on the other hand, assures that the customer can concentrate on their core business the best possible way – without any delays in production. This was exactly the case with Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre Mikkeli factory.
”In factory lighting projects, continuous, uninterrupted factory production is what customers really appreciate. In this case, we received feedback that the customer was able to keep their production up and running without any delays or standstills during the whole project. In addition to this two employees’ working time was saved on the customer’s side thanks to our turnkey service.”
Erto Ollila, Senior Account Manager, Greenled Oy

Image: 6,9 metres high shelf storage space lighting was renewed during the Mikkeli factory project. Before the project, lighting levels of 181 lux was achieved between shelves at the floor level, whereas with new luminaires 307 lux. The difference is substantial.
Alhstrom-Munksjö is very satisfied that Greenled was chosen – everything went smoothly and as planned. Big thumbs up to professionally done installation work during the project, installation that allowed uninterrupted production in Mikkeli factory.
”Despite the very tight schedule and challenging environment installation was top-notch work! The professional installation team from Greenled did a superb job, enabling us to focus totally on our own work without any extra trouble.”
Matti Valkonen, Factory Manager, Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre Oy Mikkeli Factory
Lighting uses 25 % of the factory’s energy consumption
The starting point for the lighting renewal was the need to replace old fluorescent lamps dating back to 1982 – 1998. Replacing all of them would have been a massive project considering that there were around 750 old lamps in Ahlstrom-Munksjö Mikkeli factory. The problem with old lamps is that the plastic parts break easily when trying to replace them.
Facing this challenge Ahlström-Munksjö Mikkeli factory decided to renew the whole factory lighting. The chosen lighting solution saves a huge amount of energy, 72% compared to the old. Energy savings are achieved with modern LED luminaires and smart lighting control. This is a significant benefit considering that lighting has amounted 25 % of all energy consumption in the Mikkeli factory.
A major goal in the lighting renewal project was to save energy with the modern LED luminaires. Higher work safety and satisfaction, higher lighting levels and quality of work were also aimed at. In Mikkeli factory, lighting has a central role, since a big part of quality control is made by visual observation. In addition to production, well-functioning lighting serves also the maintenance and other supporting functions in a factory.
The old factory lighting in Mikkeli produced a lot of waste heat. Replacing the old lamps with modern LED luminaires has made the Mikkeli factory a much cooler and cosier working place than before. The feedback – or actually a lack of it – from the employees has also proved the project was successful.
”We have not received much feedback from our employees about the new LED luminaires. The lack of feedback means that the project was a success. Now we can do our work in the best possible way every day without any extra attention to lighting – thanks to Greenled’s well engineered and implemented turnkey factory lighting project.”
Matti Valkonen, Factory Manager, Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre Mikkeli factory

Image: The Mikkeli factory of Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre produces glass fibre garments with heavy weaving and seaming machinery. Lighting is crucial as it helps reduce mistakes and accidents, increases productivity and helps every function in the factory.
Ahlstrom-Munksjö Glassfibre Oy Mikkeli lighting renewal: a summary
A turnkey assembly hall lighting renewal delivered by Greenled:
- The renewal of old fluorescent lamps with new energy-efficient luminaires
- Significant energy savings with Greenled’s Omega luminaires
- Significant additional savings with the help of smart Osram Dali pro lighting control and with high-bay motion detectors in shelving storage and dispatch departments. Lighting control also enables the adjustment of light levels.
- Higher light levels and improved workplace safety, productivity and comfort
- Long lasting lighting solution with reduced maintenance and service costs, with fewer luminaires than before
Key figures of Mikkeli factory’s lighting renewal:
- 72 % savings in the energy consumption of the lighting
- 44 % return on investment per year
- Payback time for the investment 2,3 years
- Life expectancy for the new lighting 32 years
- 173 tons less CO2 waste per year
energy savings
Products used in location
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